Radically rethinking journalistic business models with Anita Zielina

In the past

There are more than 70 business models, but media companies have so far focused mainly on two of them: Subscriptions and advertising. 

Why are printer cartridges more expensive than printers and why are Nespresso machines so cheap? How do app manufacturers make money, especially from in-app purchases? Why can Cirque de Soleil charge 20x as much for tickets as other circus providers? 

Together with Anita Zielina from the Better Leaders Lab, we discussed on September 3, 2024 whether other industries can serve as a source of inspiration for business models in the media industry and how business model innovations for journalism can be radically reimagined.

Read the presentation here

Upcoming events

November 19, 2024: 06:00-07:15 pm

Media Forward Fund in Lausanne